Visual Studio 2008 更新プログラムのダウンロードリンク一覧。いずれMSのサイトから古いファイルとして消される可能性は高いので、今のうちにオフラインインストーラーをダウンロードしておくことをおすすめします。

Visual Studio 2008(Express Editionを除く)の延長サポートは2018年4月10日まで、SQL Server 2005の延長サポートは2016年4月12日までです。.NET FrameworkのサポートはそれがインストールされるWindowsのサポートライフサイクルに従います。以下は2014年時点での情報です。今後もセキュリティパッチが追加される可能性があります。

※2018年11月にMicrosoft Hotfix リクエスト サービスが終了したことにより、ここにあるうちの個別パッチについては全てダウンロード不可能になっています。

Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition SP1 フルインストーラー

Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition with Service Pack 1 Combo DVD 931 MB。無料でダウンロード・利用できるエディション。

Microsoft Updateの更新プログラム・アドオン一覧

Microsoft Officeや.NET Framework、SQL Serverの更新プログラムは含んでいません。いくつかはExpress Editionにもインストールできた気がしますが、使っていたのはずいぶん前のことなので記憶に自信がありません。セキュリティ更新プログラムはMicrosoft Updateでも配信されています。

Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (ISO)

ISOイメージですが、あらかじめシステムにVisual Studio 2008をインストールしておく必要があります。Express Editionには対応していません。SP未適用のExpress Editionの場合はそれをアンインストールしてから先述のリンクよりSP1適用済みExpress Editionのセットアップをダウンロード・実行します。

(FIX) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 の英語以外の言語バージョンをインストールした後、ローカライズされた一部の IntelliSense テキストが英語に戻ることがある

  • FIX: After you install a non-English version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, some localized IntelliSense text may revert to English
  • VS90SP1-KB957507-JPN-x86.exe 11/25/2008 6.56 MB
  • 上記リンクは2015年にリンク切れ確認。その後は下記(個別パッチの項)のリンクからダウンロードできたが、2018年にリンク切れ。

Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (2008年12月更新版)

単体コンポーネント。オフラインドキュメントが不要ならインストール不要。既にMSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008がインストールされている場合はそれを先にアンインストールして下さい。

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools

Silverlight 2開発用アドオン。Visual Web DeveloperコンポーネントまたはVisual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1が必要。

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 3 Tools

Silverlight 3開発用アドオン。Visual Web DeveloperコンポーネントまたはVisual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1が必要。

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 のセキュリティ更新プログラム (2009 年 7 月 28 日) について

内容は後述の MS11-025 MFC セキュリティ更新プログラム に包括されるので、バージョン依存等の特別な事情がなければインストール不要。

(MS09-062) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2009 年 10 月 13 日) について

Visual Studio 2008 (VSeWSS 1.3) 向けの SharePoint プロジェクト テンプレート

Windows Server 2003, 2008かつWindows SharePoint Services 3.0またはMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server 2007が必要。

(MS11-049) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2011 年 6 月 14 日) について

(MS11-025) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2011 年 6 月 14 日) について

(MS12-021) Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2012 年 3 月 13 日) について

FIX: Macros don’t work after installing MS14-009 in Visual Studio 2008 SP1

MS14-009は.NET Frameworkのセキュリティ更新プログラムです。詳細は KB2916607 を参照。

(MS14-009) .NET Framework の脆弱性により、特権が昇格される (2014 年 2 月 11 日)

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 の更新プログラム (KB2938806)
  • この Microsoft Update の修正プログラムは、MS14-009 をインストールすると Visual Studio のマクロが動作しなくなる問題を解決します。
  • VS90SP1-KB2938806-x86.exe 2014/04/21 1.9 MB


これらのパッチはかつてMicrosoft ConnectやMSDN Code Galleryに公開されていましたが、現在はページが削除されたのか移転中なのか、アクセスできない状態になっています。Windows 95の時から相変わらずですが、Microsoftの型落ち製品に対するサポートの手抜きようは酷い。

これらは現時点でMicrosoft Updateに全く上がってこないので、Webで調べて判明したパッチのみを挙げています。SP1リリース前も含めると60以上のパッチがあるので把握しきれていませんが、わかる範囲の中で、更新ファイルが重複するパッチは古い方を省いています。

Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition 日本語版 SP1でインストールを確認しています。WindowsのバージョンやVSのエディション違いで適用できないものがあるかもしれません。Team Editionのみが対象のパッチは省いています。

FIX: Error message when you view a SQL Server Reporting Services report in the ReportViewer control in Visual Studio 2008: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”

  • VS90SP1-KB959595-x86.exe 6.82MB

FIX: Error message when a Web application that is not run at the Full Trust level uses the Visual Studio 2008 ReportViewer control: “System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers”

  • VS90SP1-KB961594-x86.exe 4.34MB

FIX: The compile errors are not displayed in the Error List window when you use Edit and Continue when you debug a Visual C++ 2008 SP1-based project

  • VS90SP1-KB963696-x86.exe 1.50MB

FIX: You receive an error message or an exception when you compile or run an application that has some compiler options turned on in Visual Studio 2008 SP1

  • VS90SP1-KB967211-x86.exe 3.14MB

Error message when you use the Visual Studio 2008 IDE to manipulate a SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database file which is larger than 128 Megabytes: “The database file that is larger than the configured maximum database size”

  • VS90SP1-KB968436-x86.exe 1.28MB

FIX: When you run a unit test on a computer that is running Windows 7 together with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed, the Result field in the Test Result window always shows “Pending” and the test cannot be completed

  • VS90SP1-KB970449-x86.exe 845KB

Visual Studio 2008 takes a long time to open the toolbox for a solution that contains many custom controls

  • VS90SP1-KB973462-x86.exe 1.85MB

FIX: Some XML documentation comments are not displayed in the Object Browser in Visual Studio 2008 SP1

  • VS90SP1-KB973947-x86.exe 1.40MB

You receive an error message when you build a Visual Studio 2008 project or click Run Custom Tool for an .xsd file that includes another .xsd file in the same project

  • VS90SP1-KB974158-x86.exe 7.00MB

FIX: The Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE crashes when you expand database connection nodes in Server Explorer

  • VS90SP1-KB974328-x86.exe 1.81MB

FIX: The name of a source file appears in all lowercase letters incorrectly in the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE on a Windows XP-based computer

  • VS90SP1-KB975919-x86.exe 2.26MB

FIX: String literals are misinterpreted by the Visual C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 when the string literals use UTF-8 encoding and contain Asian characters

  • VS90SP1-KB980263-x86.exe 7.62MB

FIX: The Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE experiences slow performance when you use the workflow designer

  • VS90SP1-KB980952-x86.exe 4.33AMB

上記パッチはThe Hotfix Share:Visual Studio 2008からファイルを直接ダウンロード可能です。マイクロソフトHotfix Supportからのダウンロードは面倒でしょうから。

FIX: In the WPF Designer for Visual Studio 2008, IntelliSense for XAML may stop working after you install the Windows SDK or MSDN

FIX: After you install a non-English version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, some localized IntelliSense text may revert to English

FIX: When you run a load test that uses a goal-based load pattern in Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition, you receive a LoadTestGoalCounterNotFoundException exception and an error message that states the pattern cannot be applied

Updates for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 debugging and breakpoints

A hotfix rollup is available for WPF Designer

FIX: Visual Studio 2008 IDE is unresponsive when you open a remote Web project

A hotfix that provides the IntelliSense flavor for Visual Studio 2008 JavaScript files is available

FIX: A Stop error or a crash occurs on the operating system when you profile an application by using Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1

Error message when you try to repair, uninstall, or install Visual Studio Team System 2008 after you install an update that adds a new Windows Installer feature: “A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components”

FIX: When you undock some windows or change the window layout in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 IDE, the IDE crashes

FIX: Problems occur in the Create Unit Tests wizard when you create a unit test for a method in a solution that contains a GDR project, a Silverlight project, or a WIX project in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1

FIX: When you use WPF designer or you rebuild a WPF application in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) IDE, the IDE stops responding and you receive a message in the notification area: “Microsoft Visual Studio is Busy”

FIX: When you create a Web application in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 IDE, some changes are not synchronized in some views, or some changes are displayed incorrectly in some views

When you debug in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, more breakpoints are generated unexpectedly, or the IDE crashes or becomes unresponsive for about 15 seconds

A Stop error occurs when you profile an application in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on a computer that uses an AMD processor and has Hyper-V enabled

A hotfix is available that contains two improvements and one problem resolution for Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0

FIX: Error message when you compile a Visual C++ 2008 project in which you import type libraries that refer to an external type library: fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler

FIX: Unexpected behavior when you run a generated Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 application that calls the setjmp function or the longjmp function in a source file

FIX: Nested viewer incorrectly appears in Internet Explorer 9 after you perform a search in a ReportViewer control of a Visual Studio 2008-based Web application

FIX: The ARM compiler may generate incorrect computer code if you enable an optimization compiler option in Visual Studio 2008

FIX: “81010002’” warning message when you rebuild a Visual C++ project in Visual Studio 2008

FIX: An equal sign in an operator is missing from a parsed SQL statement in Visual Studio 2008

FIX: Visual Studio 2008 crashes when you open the Test View window in a test project

FIX: An x64 Visual C++ application crashes when you enable RPC Debugging and then debug it in Visual Studio 2008

FIX: Visual C++ 2008 MFC application that was created by using Visual Studio 2008 freezes

このパッチを適用するとC/C++ランタイム、MFC、ATLライブラリがバージョン9.0.30729.7523に更新されます。このバージョンのランタイムパッケージはMicrosoft Download Centerには公開されていないため、C++で作成するアプリケーションを配布する場合には注意を要します。

以下メモ req
C2.dll	15.0.30729.6147	2,283,840	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	x86
C2.dll	15.0.30729.6147	2,362,688	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	x86
C2.dll	15.0.30729.6147	2,493,248	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	x86
C2.dll	15.0.30729.6147	3,018,048	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	x64
C2.dll	15.0.30729.6147	7,263,040	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	IA-64
Link.exe	9.0.30729.6147	1,055,560	25-Feb- 2011	01:25	x64
Link.exe	9.0.30729.6147	2,135,368	25-Feb-2011	01:25	IA-64
Link.exe	9.0.30729.6147	800,584	25-Feb-2011	01:25	x86 dd
C2.dll	15.0.30729. 4056	2,361,656	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Cl.exe	15.0.30729.4056	126, 776	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	19 2,328	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	20 9,736	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	27 7,304	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	27 9,880	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	39 1,496	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	39 2,008	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	45 7,544	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	46 4,200	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	46 7,272	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Clui.dll	15.0.30729.4056	47 2,392	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86
Link.exe	9.0.30729.4056	799 ,048	03-Mar- 2009	10:46	x86 req
C2.dll	15.0.20720.1	1,328,912	01-Jun-2011	12:59	x86	ARM
Lib.exe	9.0.30729.6178	14,664	20-Jun-2011	20:25	x86	ARM
Link.exe	9.0.30729.6178	800,584	20-Jun-2011	20:25	x86	ARM imp by dd
C1.dll	15.0.30729.4987	678,720	09-Mar-2010	10:18	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4987	2,204,488	09-Mar- 2010	10:18	x86 req
C1.dll	15.0.30729.4124	674,616	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,186,040	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,196,280	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,286,904	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,494,272	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86
C1xx.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,858,296	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x64
C1xxast.dll	15.0.30729.4124	2,494,272	05-Jun-2009	19:41	x86  imp 975919
Vsdebug.dll	9.0.30729.4127 req
Caml2xsl	Not applicable	166,384	14-Oct-2008	20:10	Not applicable
Fpcutl.dll	12.0.6505.5000	3,445,680	06-May-2009	08:45	x86
Fpeditax.dll	12.0.6505.5000	9,468,296	06-May-2009	08:46	x86
Fpsrvutl.dll	12.0.6505.5000	1,671,032	06-May-2009	08:46	x86 dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.controllerobject.dll	9.0.30729.4116	126,976	31-May-2009	00:03	x86 req
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml.dll	9.0.30729.4109	1,392,640	06-May- 2009	23:16	x86
Microsoft.Windows.Design.Markup.dll	9.0.30729.4109	794,624	06-May- 2009	23:16	x86 req
Msenv.dll	9.0.30729.4108	9,354,040	03-May-2009	09:57	x86 req
*Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.4075	31,568	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
*Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.4075	37,200	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x64
*Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.4075	74,048	12-Mar-2009	20:02	IA-64
*Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.4075	1,179,960	12-Mar-2009	20:02	IA-64
*Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.4075	363,832	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
*Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.4075	655,688	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x64
*Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.4075	22,848	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
*Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.4075	27,984	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x64
*Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.4075	53,584	12-Mar-2009	20:02	IA-64
*Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.4075	4,086,600	10-Mar-2009	03:04	x86
*Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.4075	2,741,576	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x64
*Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.4075	5,732,168	12-Mar-2009	20:02	IA-64
*Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.4075	3,218,240	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
*Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.4075	4,761,920	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x64
*Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.4075	9,994,560	12-Mar-2009	20:02	IA-64
*Natdbgde.dll	9.0.30729.4075	1,346,880	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
*Natdbgee.dll	9.0.30729.4075	313,680	12-Mar-2009	20:02	x86
Shmetapdb.dll	9.0.30729.4075	677,200	10-Mar-2009	03:04	x86
* Vsdebug.dll	9.0.30729.4075	1,584,464	10-Mar-2009	03:04	x86 req
Microsoft.visualstudio.qua litytools.vsip.dll	9.0.30729.4036	290,816	08-Feb-2009	02:00	x86 req
Microsoft.xmleditor.dll	3.5.30729.4045	1,126,400	17-Feb-2009	16:14	x86 req
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.loadtest.dll	9.0.30729.4021	741,376	30-Jan-2009	07:33	x86 req
Vsperfdrv90.sys	9. 0.30729.162	53,072	16-Oct- 2008	10:30	x86
Vsperfdrv90.sys	9.0.30729.162	68,944	15-Oct-2008	17:02	x64	Not applicable	8,474	11-Dec- 2008	20:13	x86	Not applicable	8,474	11-Dec-2008	20:13	x64 req
Deletetemp.exe	9.0 .21022.190	95,048	09-Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
Dlmgr.dll	9.0.21022.190	274 ,240	09-Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
baseline.dat	Not applicable	31,488	10-Jan-2009	13:50	Not applicable
setup.sdb	Not applicable	69,456	10-Jan -2009	13:50	Not applicable
Gencomp.dll	9.0.21022.190	1,057,096	09 -Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
Htmllite.dll	9.0.21022.190	174,920	09-Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
Msitosit.dll	9.0.21022.190	1,046,856	09-Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
Setup.exe	9.0.21022.190	267 ,072	09-Jan- 2009	03:51	x86
Setup.exe	9.0.21022.190	267 ,072	11-Jan- 2009	22:44	x86 imp by dd
Cslangsvc.dll	9.0.30729.4501	5,309,776	02-Mar-2010	20:09	x86
Microsoft.workflow.debugcontroller.dll	9.0.4203.4501	153,472	02-Mar-2010	20:09	x86
Microsoft.workflow.expressionevaluation.dll	9.0.4203.4501	4,608	02-Mar-2010	20:09	x86
Microsoft.workflow.vsdesigner.dll	9.0.4203.4501	532,480	02-Mar-2010	20:09	x86
Workflowproject.dll	9.0.4203.4501	161,632	02-Mar-2010	20:09	x86 req
Accessibility.xml	30,397	15-Nov-2008	18:47
Aspnetmmcext.xml	40,110	15-Nov-2008	18:47
Cscompmgd.xml	4,717	15-Nov-2008	18:47
Custommarshalers.xml	10,401	15-Nov-2008	18:47
Envdte80.xml	441,320	15-Nov-2008	18:47
... req
*AvVsPkDH.dll	9.0.30729.177	32584	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
cpde.dll	9.0.30729.177	652608	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
*mcee.dll	9.0.30729.177	1180992	8-Nov-08	2:19	IA-64
*mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.177	23880	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
*msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.177	5733184	8-Nov-08	2:19	IA-64
*msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.177	9992520	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
*msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.177	9992520	8-Nov-08	2:19	IA-64
*NatDbgDE.dll	9.0.30729.177	1347912	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
*NatDbgDE.dll	9.0.30729.177	314184	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
* vsdebug.dll	9.0.30729.177	1584968	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.177	4087104	8-Nov-08	2:19	x86
... req
Htmled.dll	9.0.30729.174	2,442,048	28-Oct- 2008	22:00	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.web.dll	9.0.30729.174	1,024,000	28-Oct- 2008	22:00	x86 req
*Microsoft.visualstudio.xaml.dll 	9.0.30729.166 	1,355,776 	20-Oct-2008 	22:21	x86 	9.0.30729.166 	991,232 	20-Oct-2008 	22:21 	x86
* 	9.0.30729.166 	782,336 	20-Oct-2008 	22:21 	x86 imp dd	9.0.30729.4402	503,808	14- Sep-2009	23:37	x86 mp 975919 imp imp by 2498381 req
Fl_microsoft_reportviewer_localprint_cab_120652_12 0652_x86.ln	Not applicable	236,471	05-May-2011	03:46	Not applicable
Microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll	9.0.30729.5682	864,256	04-May-2011	07:28	x86
Reportviewer.exe	9.0.30729.5682	2,283,864	04-May-2011	07:38	x86 dd	9.0.30729.4402	561,152	15-Sep- 2009	22:27	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.dll	9.0.30729.4402	274,432	15-Sep- 2009	22:27	x86 imp by rq imp by 2834565 (some file not written in document)
Afxctl.rc 	Not applicable 	10,680 	27-Sep-07 	15:53 	Not applicable
Afxdb.rc 	Not applicable 	3,899 	10-Nov-06 	2:14 	Not applicable 
Atl90.dll 	9.0.30729.6204 	176,456 	15-Aug-11 	22:17 	x64
Atl90.dll 	9.0.30729.6204 	416,072 	15-Aug-11 	23:24 	IA-64
Atl90.dll 	9.0.30729.6204 	159,048 	16-Aug-11 	0:19 	x86
Atlres.rc 	Not applicable 	1,053 	12-Jul-02 	17:35 	Not applicable
array 	Not applicable 	16,417 	29-Oct-08 	11:55 	Not applicable
... dd
fl_microsoft_reportviewer_localprint_cab_120652_120652_x86.ln	Not Applicable	236,471	06-Feb-2010	06:10	Not Applicable
microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll	9.0.30729.4483	864,256	05-Feb-2010	12:33	x86
microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.resources.dll	9.0.30729.4483	159,744	05-Feb-2010	13:49	x86 dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.dat a.providers.sqleverywhere.dll	9.0.30729.4114	323,584	21-May- 2009	16:13	x86 imp req
VSPerfMon.exe	9.0.30729.4491	179,536	16-Feb-2010	03:33:06 PM
VSPMsg.dll	9.0.30729.4491	101,704	16-Feb-2010	03:33:06 PM
VSPMsgui.dll	9.0.30729.4491	94,544	16-Feb-2010	03:33:06 PM req
DESqmWrapper.dll	9 .0.30729.4132	56,136	18-Jun- 2009	17:19	x86
DeviceEmulator.exe	9.0.30729.4132	1,339,728	18-Jun- 2009	17:19	x86
DeviceEmulatorProxy.dll	9.0.30729.4 132	113,496	18-Jun- 2009	17:19	x86
DeviceEmulatorTabletink.dll	9.0.307 29.4132	34,160	18-Jun-2009	17:19	x86
DeviceEmulatorUI.dll	9.0.30729.4132 	55,120	18-Jun-2009	17:19	x86 dd
Compluslm.dll	9.0.30729.4173	293,184	16-Aug-2009	13:54	x86 dd
Vsdebug.dll	9.0.30729.4417	1,584,9 60	15-Oct-2009	08:01	x86 dd
Microsoft.reportviewer.common.dll	9.0.30729.200	3,649,536	12-Dec-2008	05:04	x86
*Microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll	9.0.30729.200	1,814,528	12-Dec-2008	05:04	x86
*Reportviewer.exe	9.0.30729.200	3,238,736	12-Dec-2008	05:12	x86 imp by dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.editors.dll	9.0.30729.4407	2,879,488	21-Sep- 2009	01:00	x86
Microsoft.vsdesigner.dll	9.0.30729.4407	4,427,776	21-Sep- 2009	01:00	x86  req
Textmgrp.dll	9.0.21022.128	76,800	24-Jun- 2008	06:39	x86 imp by  req
Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.7031	32,408	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.7031	38,016	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x64
Avvspkdh.dll	9.0.30729.7031	74,880	22-Mar-2013	00:28	IA-64
Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.7031	1,180,792	22-Mar-2013	00:28	IA-64
Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.7031	364,688	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Mcee.dll	9.0.30729.7031	656,504	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x64
Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.7031	23,696	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.7031	28,800	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x64
Mpishim.exe	9.0.30729.7031	54,400	22-Mar-2013	00:28	IA-64
Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.7031	2,742,400	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x64
Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.7031	4,087,440	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Msvb7.dll	9.0.30729.7031	5,734,016	22-Mar-2013	00:28	IA-64
Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.7031	3,219,088	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.7031	4,762,752	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x64
Msvsmon.exe	9.0.30729.7031	9,995,392	22-Mar-2013	00:28	IA-64
Natdbgde.dll	9.0.30729.7031	1,347,200	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86
Natdbgee.dll	9.0.30729.7031	314,496	22-Mar-2013	00:28	x86 imp by req
Atl90.dll	9.0.30729.7523	416,912	17-Apr-2013	22:42	IA-64
Atl90.dll	9.0.30729.7523	177,296	17-Apr-2013	22:59	x64
Atl90.dll	9.0.30729.7523	159,888	18-Apr-2013	02:13	x86
Mfc90.dll	9.0.30729.7523	5,090,448	17-Apr-2013	22:59	x64
Mfc90.dll	9.0.30729.7523	3,768,976	18-Apr-2013	02:13	x86  req
Mt.exe	Not applicable	373	12-Mar-2012	14:13	Not applicable
Mt2.exe	6.1.7716.0	1,091,392	12-Mar-2012	14:13	x64
Mt2.exe	6.1.7716.0	883,008	12-Mar-2012	14:13	x86  req
Microsoft.teamfoundation.client.dll	9.0.30729.7019	495,616	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.common.dll	9.0.30729.7019	352,256	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.databaseinstaller.dll	9.0.30729.7019	4,399,104	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.dll	9.0.30729.7019	1,064,960	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.common.dll	9.0.30729.7019	327,680	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.excel.dll	9.0.30729.7019	245,760	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.project.dll	9.0.30729.7019	159,744	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.server.admin.dll	9.0.30729.7019	163,840	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.client.dll	9.0.30729.7019	552,960	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.clientpackage.dll	9.0.30729.7019	65,536	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.clientpackageui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	12,944	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.common.dll	9.0.30729.7019	28,672	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.controller.dll	9.0.30729.7019	57,344	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.controls.dll	9.0.30729.7019	319,488	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.client.dll	9.0.30729.7019	520,192	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.common.dll	9.0.30729.7019	249,856	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.common.integration.dll	9.0.30729.7019	32,768	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.controladapter.dll	9.0.30729.7019	40,960	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.controls.dll	9.0.30729.7019	3,125,248	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.cache.dll	9.0.30729.7019	1,336,832	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.datastore.dll	9.0.30729.7019	1,481,216	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.querylanguage.dll	9.0.30729.7019	61,440	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.ruleengine.dll	9.0.30729.7019	392,192	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.controls.dll	9.0.30729.7019	659,456	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.linking.dll	9.0.30729.7019	69,632	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.operationalstore.clienthelper.dll	9.0.30729.7019	106,496	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.client.dll	9.0.30729.7019	126,976	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.teamexplorer.dll	9.0.30729.7019	671,744	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	182,416	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	182,928	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	182,944	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	183,440	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	183,456	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	183,952	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	183,968	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	186,016	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll	9.0.30729.7019	765,952	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.dll	9.0.30729.7019	286,720	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamsystem.integration.dll	9.0.30729.7019	208,896	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tf.exe	9.0.30729.7019	236,072	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tfsadminutil.exe	9.0.30729.7019	68,152	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tfsprovider.dll	9.0.30729.7019	2,700,360	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshim.dll	9.0.30729.7019	199,760	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	81,984	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	82,520	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	83,008	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	83,544	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	85,056	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	86,080	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	86,592	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	87,104	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll	9.0.30729.7019	87,128	21-Jan-13	12:38	x86  req
Vdt80.dll	9.0.30729.5814	4,191,808	18-Apr-2012	02:54	x86 imp imp dd
Vcproject.dll	9.0.30729.4041	1,927,016	10-Feb-2009	11:29	x86

imp 968338 972497 973124 954740 967485 958477 956397
teamfs 969868 967583 961771 959168 960965 958797 956861 imp by mfcatl imp by mfcatl imp by 2495003 mis VC 2008 SP1: Problems with STL/TR1 after installing VS2008 SP1 imp mfcatl 	9.0.30729.1 mis Need Fix to Get Blend 3 working with TFS vs2008 with visual sourcesage 2005 ms virtualization 4.5
Mavvak2008.dll	73,568	12-Dec- 2008	03:20	x86 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, imp


管理人 : Akamaki (akm)


