Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 更新プログラム一覧
Visual Studio 2008 更新プログラムのダウンロードリンク一覧。いずれMSのサイトから古いファイルとして消される可能性は高いので、今のうちにオフラインインストーラーをダウンロードしておくことをおすすめします。
Visual Studio 2008(Express Editionを除く)の延長サポートは2018年4月10日まで、SQL Server 2005の延長サポートは2016年4月12日までです。.NET FrameworkのサポートはそれがインストールされるWindowsのサポートライフサイクルに従います。以下は2014年時点での情報です。今後もセキュリティパッチが追加される可能性があります。
※2018年11月にMicrosoft Hotfix リクエスト サービスが終了したことにより、ここにあるうちの個別パッチについては全てダウンロード不可能になっています。
Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition SP1 フルインストーラー
- Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition with Service Pack 1 Combo DVD 931 MB。無料でダウンロード・利用できるエディション。
Microsoft Updateの更新プログラム・アドオン一覧
Microsoft Officeや.NET Framework、SQL Serverの更新プログラムは含んでいません。いくつかはExpress Editionにもインストールできた気がしますが、使っていたのはずいぶん前のことなので記憶に自信がありません。セキュリティ更新プログラムはMicrosoft Updateでも配信されています。
Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (ISO)
ISOイメージですが、あらかじめシステムにVisual Studio 2008をインストールしておく必要があります。Express Editionには対応していません。SP未適用のExpress Editionの場合はそれをアンインストールしてから先述のリンクよりSP1適用済みExpress Editionのセットアップをダウンロード・実行します。
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (iso)
- VS2008SP1JPNX1512986.iso 2008/08/11 903.9 MB
(FIX) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 の英語以外の言語バージョンをインストールした後、ローカライズされた一部の IntelliSense テキストが英語に戻ることがある
- FIX: After you install a non-English version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, some localized IntelliSense text may revert to English
- VS90SP1-KB957507-JPN-x86.exe 11/25/2008 6.56 MB
- 上記リンクは2015年にリンク切れ確認。その後は下記(個別パッチの項)のリンクからダウンロードできたが、2018年にリンク切れ。
Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1
- The Visual Studio 2008 Software Development Kit (SDK) 1.1 includes tools, documentation, and samples for developers to design, build, test and deploy extensions for Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1.
- VsSDK_sfx.exe 8/20/2008 109.2 MB
MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (2008年12月更新版)
単体コンポーネント。オフラインドキュメントが不要ならインストール不要。既にMSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008がインストールされている場合はそれを先にアンインストールして下さい。
- MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (2008年12月更新版)
- JPNMSDNX1530336.ISO 2008/12/12 2.6 GB
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools
Silverlight 2開発用アドオン。Visual Web DeveloperコンポーネントまたはVisual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1が必要。
- Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools
- Silverlight_Tools.exe 2008/11/09 82.0 MB
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 3 Tools
Silverlight 3開発用アドオン。Visual Web DeveloperコンポーネントまたはVisual Web Developer 2008 Express SP1が必要。
- Visual Studio 2008 SP1 用 Microsoft Silverlight 3 Tools
- Silverlight3_Tools.exe 2009/07/15 33.1 MB
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 のセキュリティ更新プログラム (2009 年 7 月 28 日) について
内容は後述の MS11-025 MFC セキュリティ更新プログラム に包括されるので、バージョン依存等の特別な事情がなければインストール不要。
- Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 ATL セキュリティ更新プログラム
- V90SP1-KB971092-x86.exe 2009/08/03 365.2 MB
(MS09-062) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2009 年 10 月 13 日) について
- Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 GDIPLUS.DLL セキュリティ更新プログラム
- VS90SP1-KB972222-x86.exe 2009/10/12 4.1 MB
Visual Studio 2008 (VSeWSS 1.3) 向けの SharePoint プロジェクト テンプレート
Windows Server 2003, 2008かつWindows SharePoint Services 3.0またはMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server 2007が必要。
- Visual Studio 2008 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 v1.3
- VSeWSSv13_x86.exe 11.9 MB 2010/12/16
- VSeWSS 1 3 Release Notes ja-jp.rtf 297 KB 2010/12/16
- VSeWSSv13_x64.exe 12.0 MB 2010/12/16
(MS11-049) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2011 年 6 月 14 日) について
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 XML エディター セキュリティ更新プログラム
- VS90SP1-KB2251487-x86.exe 2011/06/07 2.5 MB
(MS11-025) Visual Studio 2008 SP1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2011 年 6 月 14 日) について
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 MFC セキュリティ更新プログラム
- VS90SP1-KB2538241-x86.exe 2011/06/07 365.8 MB
(MS12-021) Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 セキュリティ更新プログラム (2012 年 3 月 13 日) について
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 のセキュリティ更新プログラム (KB2669970)
- VS90SP1-KB2669970-x86.exe 2012/03/12 2.1 MB
FIX: Macros don’t work after installing MS14-009 in Visual Studio 2008 SP1
MS14-009は.NET Frameworkのセキュリティ更新プログラムです。詳細は KB2916607 を参照。
(MS14-009) .NET Framework の脆弱性により、特権が昇格される (2014 年 2 月 11 日)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 の更新プログラム (KB2938806)
- この Microsoft Update の修正プログラムは、MS14-009 をインストールすると Visual Studio のマクロが動作しなくなる問題を解決します。
- VS90SP1-KB2938806-x86.exe 2014/04/21 1.9 MB
これらのパッチはかつてMicrosoft ConnectやMSDN Code Galleryに公開されていましたが、現在はページが削除されたのか移転中なのか、アクセスできない状態になっています。Windows 95の時から相変わらずですが、Microsoftの型落ち製品に対するサポートの手抜きようは酷い。
これらは現時点でMicrosoft Updateに全く上がってこないので、Webで調べて判明したパッチのみを挙げています。SP1リリース前も含めると60以上のパッチがあるので把握しきれていませんが、わかる範囲の中で、更新ファイルが重複するパッチは古い方を省いています。
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition 日本語版 SP1でインストールを確認しています。WindowsのバージョンやVSのエディション違いで適用できないものがあるかもしれません。Team Editionのみが対象のパッチは省いています。
FIX: Error message when you view a SQL Server Reporting Services report in the ReportViewer control in Visual Studio 2008: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”
- VS90SP1-KB959595-x86.exe 6.82MB
FIX: Error message when a Web application that is not run at the Full Trust level uses the Visual Studio 2008 ReportViewer control: “System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers”
- VS90SP1-KB961594-x86.exe 4.34MB
FIX: The compile errors are not displayed in the Error List window when you use Edit and Continue when you debug a Visual C++ 2008 SP1-based project
- VS90SP1-KB963696-x86.exe 1.50MB
FIX: You receive an error message or an exception when you compile or run an application that has some compiler options turned on in Visual Studio 2008 SP1
- VS90SP1-KB967211-x86.exe 3.14MB
Error message when you use the Visual Studio 2008 IDE to manipulate a SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database file which is larger than 128 Megabytes: “The database file that is larger than the configured maximum database size”
- VS90SP1-KB968436-x86.exe 1.28MB
FIX: When you run a unit test on a computer that is running Windows 7 together with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed, the Result field in the Test Result window always shows “Pending” and the test cannot be completed
- VS90SP1-KB970449-x86.exe 845KB
Visual Studio 2008 takes a long time to open the toolbox for a solution that contains many custom controls
- VS90SP1-KB973462-x86.exe 1.85MB
FIX: Some XML documentation comments are not displayed in the Object Browser in Visual Studio 2008 SP1
- VS90SP1-KB973947-x86.exe 1.40MB
You receive an error message when you build a Visual Studio 2008 project or click Run Custom Tool for an .xsd file that includes another .xsd file in the same project
- VS90SP1-KB974158-x86.exe 7.00MB
FIX: The Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE crashes when you expand database connection nodes in Server Explorer
- VS90SP1-KB974328-x86.exe 1.81MB
FIX: The name of a source file appears in all lowercase letters incorrectly in the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE on a Windows XP-based computer
- VS90SP1-KB975919-x86.exe 2.26MB
FIX: String literals are misinterpreted by the Visual C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 when the string literals use UTF-8 encoding and contain Asian characters
- VS90SP1-KB980263-x86.exe 7.62MB
FIX: The Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE experiences slow performance when you use the workflow designer
- VS90SP1-KB980952-x86.exe 4.33AMB
上記パッチはThe Hotfix Share:Visual Studio 2008からファイルを直接ダウンロード可能です。マイクロソフトHotfix Supportからのダウンロードは面倒でしょうから。
FIX: In the WPF Designer for Visual Studio 2008, IntelliSense for XAML may stop working after you install the Windows SDK or MSDN
- VS90-KB953196-x86.exe 304KB
FIX: After you install a non-English version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, some localized IntelliSense text may revert to English
- VS90SP1-KB957507-JPN-x86.exe 6.56MB
FIX: When you run a load test that uses a goal-based load pattern in Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition, you receive a LoadTestGoalCounterNotFoundException exception and an error message that states the pattern cannot be applied
- VS90SP1-KB957451-x86.exe 929KB
Updates for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 debugging and breakpoints
- VS90SP1-KB957912-x86.exe 15.4MB
A hotfix rollup is available for WPF Designer
- VS90SP1-KB958017-x86.exe 1.61MB
FIX: Visual Studio 2008 IDE is unresponsive when you open a remote Web project
- VS90SP1-KB958094-x86.exe 1.25MB
A hotfix that provides the IntelliSense flavor for Visual Studio 2008 JavaScript files is available
- VS90SP1-KB958502-x86.exe 2.13MB
FIX: A Stop error or a crash occurs on the operating system when you profile an application by using Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
- VS90SP1-KB958842-x86.exe 538KB
Error message when you try to repair, uninstall, or install Visual Studio Team System 2008 after you install an update that adds a new Windows Installer feature: “A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components”
- VS90-KB959417-x86.exe 5.81MB
FIX: When you undock some windows or change the window layout in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 IDE, the IDE crashes
- VS90SP1-KB960075-v2-x86.exe 5.62MB
FIX: Problems occur in the Create Unit Tests wizard when you create a unit test for a method in a solution that contains a GDR project, a Silverlight project, or a WIX project in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
- VS90SP1-KB962866-x86.exe 769KB
FIX: When you use WPF designer or you rebuild a WPF application in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) IDE, the IDE stops responding and you receive a message in the notification area: “Microsoft Visual Studio is Busy”
- VS90SP1-KB963035-x86.exe 1.83MB
FIX: When you create a Web application in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 IDE, some changes are not synchronized in some views, or some changes are displayed incorrectly in some views
- office2007-kb967253-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 6.16MB
When you debug in Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, more breakpoints are generated unexpectedly, or the IDE crashes or becomes unresponsive for about 15 seconds
- VS90SP1-KB967631-x86.exe 15.7MB
A Stop error occurs when you profile an application in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on a computer that uses an AMD processor and has Hyper-V enabled
- VS90SP1-KB969873-x86.exe 1.41MB
A hotfix is available that contains two improvements and one problem resolution for Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0
- VS90SP1-KB971487-x86.exe 919KB
FIX: Error message when you compile a Visual C++ 2008 project in which you import type libraries that refer to an external type library: fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler
- VS90SP1-KB971676-x86.exe 6.81MB
FIX: Unexpected behavior when you run a generated Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 application that calls the setjmp function or the longjmp function in a source file
- VS90SP1-KB2498381-x86.exe 11.5MB
FIX: Nested viewer incorrectly appears in Internet Explorer 9 after you perform a search in a ReportViewer control of a Visual Studio 2008-based Web application
- VS90SP1-KB2537988-x86.exe 4.69MB
FIX: The ARM compiler may generate incorrect computer code if you enable an optimization compiler option in Visual Studio 2008
- VS90SP1-KB2559174-x86.exe 2.24MB
FIX: “81010002’” warning message when you rebuild a Visual C++ project in Visual Studio 2008
- VS2008-W32Tools-KB2670558.msp 699KB
FIX: An equal sign in an operator is missing from a parsed SQL statement in Visual Studio 2008
- VS90SP1-KB2680562-x86.exe 3.96MB
FIX: Visual Studio 2008 crashes when you open the Test View window in a test project
- VS90SP1-KB2802599-x86.exe 12.1MB
FIX: An x64 Visual C++ application crashes when you enable RPC Debugging and then debug it in Visual Studio 2008
- VS90SP1-KB2817754-x86.exe 15.7MB
FIX: Visual C++ 2008 MFC application that was created by using Visual Studio 2008 freezes
このパッチを適用するとC/C++ランタイム、MFC、ATLライブラリがバージョン9.0.30729.7523に更新されます。このバージョンのランタイムパッケージはMicrosoft Download Centerには公開されていないため、C++で作成するアプリケーションを配布する場合には注意を要します。
- VS90SP1-KB2834565-x86.exe 366MB
以下メモ req
C2.dll 15.0.30729.6147 2,283,840 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 x86
C2.dll 15.0.30729.6147 2,362,688 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 x86
C2.dll 15.0.30729.6147 2,493,248 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 x86
C2.dll 15.0.30729.6147 3,018,048 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 x64
C2.dll 15.0.30729.6147 7,263,040 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 IA-64
Link.exe 9.0.30729.6147 1,055,560 25-Feb- 2011 01:25 x64
Link.exe 9.0.30729.6147 2,135,368 25-Feb-2011 01:25 IA-64
Link.exe 9.0.30729.6147 800,584 25-Feb-2011 01:25 x86 dd
C2.dll 15.0.30729. 4056 2,361,656 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Cl.exe 15.0.30729.4056 126, 776 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 19 2,328 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 20 9,736 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 27 7,304 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 27 9,880 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 39 1,496 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 39 2,008 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 45 7,544 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 46 4,200 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 46 7,272 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Clui.dll 15.0.30729.4056 47 2,392 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86
Link.exe 9.0.30729.4056 799 ,048 03-Mar- 2009 10:46 x86 req
C2.dll 15.0.20720.1 1,328,912 01-Jun-2011 12:59 x86 ARM
Lib.exe 9.0.30729.6178 14,664 20-Jun-2011 20:25 x86 ARM
Link.exe 9.0.30729.6178 800,584 20-Jun-2011 20:25 x86 ARM imp by dd
C1.dll 15.0.30729.4987 678,720 09-Mar-2010 10:18 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4987 2,204,488 09-Mar- 2010 10:18 x86 req
C1.dll 15.0.30729.4124 674,616 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,186,040 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,196,280 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,286,904 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,494,272 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86
C1xx.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,858,296 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x64
C1xxast.dll 15.0.30729.4124 2,494,272 05-Jun-2009 19:41 x86 imp 975919
Vsdebug.dll 9.0.30729.4127 req
Caml2xsl Not applicable 166,384 14-Oct-2008 20:10 Not applicable
Fpcutl.dll 12.0.6505.5000 3,445,680 06-May-2009 08:45 x86
Fpeditax.dll 12.0.6505.5000 9,468,296 06-May-2009 08:46 x86
Fpsrvutl.dll 12.0.6505.5000 1,671,032 06-May-2009 08:46 x86 dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.controllerobject.dll 9.0.30729.4116 126,976 31-May-2009 00:03 x86 req
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Xaml.dll 9.0.30729.4109 1,392,640 06-May- 2009 23:16 x86
Microsoft.Windows.Design.Markup.dll 9.0.30729.4109 794,624 06-May- 2009 23:16 x86 req
Msenv.dll 9.0.30729.4108 9,354,040 03-May-2009 09:57 x86 req
*Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.4075 31,568 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
*Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.4075 37,200 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x64
*Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.4075 74,048 12-Mar-2009 20:02 IA-64
*Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.4075 1,179,960 12-Mar-2009 20:02 IA-64
*Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.4075 363,832 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
*Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.4075 655,688 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x64
*Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.4075 22,848 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
*Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.4075 27,984 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x64
*Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.4075 53,584 12-Mar-2009 20:02 IA-64
*Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.4075 4,086,600 10-Mar-2009 03:04 x86
*Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.4075 2,741,576 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x64
*Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.4075 5,732,168 12-Mar-2009 20:02 IA-64
*Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.4075 3,218,240 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
*Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.4075 4,761,920 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x64
*Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.4075 9,994,560 12-Mar-2009 20:02 IA-64
*Natdbgde.dll 9.0.30729.4075 1,346,880 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
*Natdbgee.dll 9.0.30729.4075 313,680 12-Mar-2009 20:02 x86
Shmetapdb.dll 9.0.30729.4075 677,200 10-Mar-2009 03:04 x86
* Vsdebug.dll 9.0.30729.4075 1,584,464 10-Mar-2009 03:04 x86 req
Microsoft.visualstudio.qua litytools.vsip.dll 9.0.30729.4036 290,816 08-Feb-2009 02:00 x86 req
Microsoft.xmleditor.dll 3.5.30729.4045 1,126,400 17-Feb-2009 16:14 x86 req
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.loadtest.dll 9.0.30729.4021 741,376 30-Jan-2009 07:33 x86 req
Vsperfdrv90.sys 9. 0.30729.162 53,072 16-Oct- 2008 10:30 x86
Vsperfdrv90.sys 9.0.30729.162 68,944 15-Oct-2008 17:02 x64 Not applicable 8,474 11-Dec- 2008 20:13 x86 Not applicable 8,474 11-Dec-2008 20:13 x64 req
Deletetemp.exe 9.0 .21022.190 95,048 09-Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
Dlmgr.dll 9.0.21022.190 274 ,240 09-Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
baseline.dat Not applicable 31,488 10-Jan-2009 13:50 Not applicable
setup.sdb Not applicable 69,456 10-Jan -2009 13:50 Not applicable
Gencomp.dll 9.0.21022.190 1,057,096 09 -Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
Htmllite.dll 9.0.21022.190 174,920 09-Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
Msitosit.dll 9.0.21022.190 1,046,856 09-Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
Setup.exe 9.0.21022.190 267 ,072 09-Jan- 2009 03:51 x86
Setup.exe 9.0.21022.190 267 ,072 11-Jan- 2009 22:44 x86 imp by dd
Cslangsvc.dll 9.0.30729.4501 5,309,776 02-Mar-2010 20:09 x86
Microsoft.workflow.debugcontroller.dll 9.0.4203.4501 153,472 02-Mar-2010 20:09 x86
Microsoft.workflow.expressionevaluation.dll 9.0.4203.4501 4,608 02-Mar-2010 20:09 x86
Microsoft.workflow.vsdesigner.dll 9.0.4203.4501 532,480 02-Mar-2010 20:09 x86
Workflowproject.dll 9.0.4203.4501 161,632 02-Mar-2010 20:09 x86 req
Accessibility.xml 30,397 15-Nov-2008 18:47
Aspnetmmcext.xml 40,110 15-Nov-2008 18:47
Cscompmgd.xml 4,717 15-Nov-2008 18:47
Custommarshalers.xml 10,401 15-Nov-2008 18:47
Envdte80.xml 441,320 15-Nov-2008 18:47
... req
*AvVsPkDH.dll 9.0.30729.177 32584 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
cpde.dll 9.0.30729.177 652608 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
*mcee.dll 9.0.30729.177 1180992 8-Nov-08 2:19 IA-64
*mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.177 23880 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
*msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.177 5733184 8-Nov-08 2:19 IA-64
*msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.177 9992520 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
*msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.177 9992520 8-Nov-08 2:19 IA-64
*NatDbgDE.dll 9.0.30729.177 1347912 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
*NatDbgDE.dll 9.0.30729.177 314184 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
* vsdebug.dll 9.0.30729.177 1584968 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.177 4087104 8-Nov-08 2:19 x86
... req
Htmled.dll 9.0.30729.174 2,442,048 28-Oct- 2008 22:00 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.web.dll 9.0.30729.174 1,024,000 28-Oct- 2008 22:00 x86 req
*Microsoft.visualstudio.xaml.dll 9.0.30729.166 1,355,776 20-Oct-2008 22:21 x86 9.0.30729.166 991,232 20-Oct-2008 22:21 x86
* 9.0.30729.166 782,336 20-Oct-2008 22:21 x86 imp dd 9.0.30729.4402 503,808 14- Sep-2009 23:37 x86 mp 975919 imp imp by 2498381 req
Fl_microsoft_reportviewer_localprint_cab_120652_12 0652_x86.ln Not applicable 236,471 05-May-2011 03:46 Not applicable
Microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll 9.0.30729.5682 864,256 04-May-2011 07:28 x86
Reportviewer.exe 9.0.30729.5682 2,283,864 04-May-2011 07:38 x86 dd 9.0.30729.4402 561,152 15-Sep- 2009 22:27 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.dll 9.0.30729.4402 274,432 15-Sep- 2009 22:27 x86 imp by rq imp by 2834565 (some file not written in document)
Afxctl.rc Not applicable 10,680 27-Sep-07 15:53 Not applicable
Afxdb.rc Not applicable 3,899 10-Nov-06 2:14 Not applicable
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.6204 176,456 15-Aug-11 22:17 x64
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.6204 416,072 15-Aug-11 23:24 IA-64
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.6204 159,048 16-Aug-11 0:19 x86
Atlres.rc Not applicable 1,053 12-Jul-02 17:35 Not applicable
array Not applicable 16,417 29-Oct-08 11:55 Not applicable
... dd
fl_microsoft_reportviewer_localprint_cab_120652_120652_x86.ln Not Applicable 236,471 06-Feb-2010 06:10 Not Applicable
microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll 9.0.30729.4483 864,256 05-Feb-2010 12:33 x86
microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.resources.dll 9.0.30729.4483 159,744 05-Feb-2010 13:49 x86 dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.dat a.providers.sqleverywhere.dll 9.0.30729.4114 323,584 21-May- 2009 16:13 x86 imp req
VSPerfMon.exe 9.0.30729.4491 179,536 16-Feb-2010 03:33:06 PM
VSPMsg.dll 9.0.30729.4491 101,704 16-Feb-2010 03:33:06 PM
VSPMsgui.dll 9.0.30729.4491 94,544 16-Feb-2010 03:33:06 PM req
DESqmWrapper.dll 9 .0.30729.4132 56,136 18-Jun- 2009 17:19 x86
DeviceEmulator.exe 9.0.30729.4132 1,339,728 18-Jun- 2009 17:19 x86
DeviceEmulatorProxy.dll 9.0.30729.4 132 113,496 18-Jun- 2009 17:19 x86
DeviceEmulatorTabletink.dll 9.0.307 29.4132 34,160 18-Jun-2009 17:19 x86
DeviceEmulatorUI.dll 9.0.30729.4132 55,120 18-Jun-2009 17:19 x86 dd
Compluslm.dll 9.0.30729.4173 293,184 16-Aug-2009 13:54 x86 dd
Vsdebug.dll 9.0.30729.4417 1,584,9 60 15-Oct-2009 08:01 x86 dd
Microsoft.reportviewer.common.dll 9.0.30729.200 3,649,536 12-Dec-2008 05:04 x86
*Microsoft.reportviewer.webforms.dll 9.0.30729.200 1,814,528 12-Dec-2008 05:04 x86
*Reportviewer.exe 9.0.30729.200 3,238,736 12-Dec-2008 05:12 x86 imp by dd
Microsoft.visualstudio.editors.dll 9.0.30729.4407 2,879,488 21-Sep- 2009 01:00 x86
Microsoft.vsdesigner.dll 9.0.30729.4407 4,427,776 21-Sep- 2009 01:00 x86 req
Textmgrp.dll 9.0.21022.128 76,800 24-Jun- 2008 06:39 x86 imp by req
Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.7031 32,408 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.7031 38,016 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x64
Avvspkdh.dll 9.0.30729.7031 74,880 22-Mar-2013 00:28 IA-64
Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.7031 1,180,792 22-Mar-2013 00:28 IA-64
Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.7031 364,688 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Mcee.dll 9.0.30729.7031 656,504 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x64
Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.7031 23,696 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.7031 28,800 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x64
Mpishim.exe 9.0.30729.7031 54,400 22-Mar-2013 00:28 IA-64
Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.7031 2,742,400 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x64
Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.7031 4,087,440 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Msvb7.dll 9.0.30729.7031 5,734,016 22-Mar-2013 00:28 IA-64
Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.7031 3,219,088 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.7031 4,762,752 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x64
Msvsmon.exe 9.0.30729.7031 9,995,392 22-Mar-2013 00:28 IA-64
Natdbgde.dll 9.0.30729.7031 1,347,200 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86
Natdbgee.dll 9.0.30729.7031 314,496 22-Mar-2013 00:28 x86 imp by req
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.7523 416,912 17-Apr-2013 22:42 IA-64
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.7523 177,296 17-Apr-2013 22:59 x64
Atl90.dll 9.0.30729.7523 159,888 18-Apr-2013 02:13 x86
Mfc90.dll 9.0.30729.7523 5,090,448 17-Apr-2013 22:59 x64
Mfc90.dll 9.0.30729.7523 3,768,976 18-Apr-2013 02:13 x86 req
Mt.exe Not applicable 373 12-Mar-2012 14:13 Not applicable
Mt2.exe 6.1.7716.0 1,091,392 12-Mar-2012 14:13 x64
Mt2.exe 6.1.7716.0 883,008 12-Mar-2012 14:13 x86 req
Microsoft.teamfoundation.client.dll 9.0.30729.7019 495,616 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.common.dll 9.0.30729.7019 352,256 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.databaseinstaller.dll 9.0.30729.7019 4,399,104 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.dll 9.0.30729.7019 1,064,960 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.common.dll 9.0.30729.7019 327,680 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.excel.dll 9.0.30729.7019 245,760 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.officeintegration.project.dll 9.0.30729.7019 159,744 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.server.admin.dll 9.0.30729.7019 163,840 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.client.dll 9.0.30729.7019 552,960 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.clientpackage.dll 9.0.30729.7019 65,536 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.clientpackageui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 12,944 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.common.dll 9.0.30729.7019 28,672 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.controller.dll 9.0.30729.7019 57,344 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.controls.dll 9.0.30729.7019 319,488 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.client.dll 9.0.30729.7019 520,192 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.common.dll 9.0.30729.7019 249,856 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.common.integration.dll 9.0.30729.7019 32,768 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.controladapter.dll 9.0.30729.7019 40,960 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.controls.dll 9.0.30729.7019 3,125,248 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.cache.dll 9.0.30729.7019 1,336,832 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.datastore.dll 9.0.30729.7019 1,481,216 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.querylanguage.dll 9.0.30729.7019 61,440 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.client.ruleengine.dll 9.0.30729.7019 392,192 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.controls.dll 9.0.30729.7019 659,456 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.linking.dll 9.0.30729.7019 69,632 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.operationalstore.clienthelper.dll 9.0.30729.7019 106,496 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.client.dll 9.0.30729.7019 126,976 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.teamexplorer.dll 9.0.30729.7019 671,744 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 182,416 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 182,928 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 182,944 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 183,440 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 183,456 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 183,952 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 183,968 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 186,016 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.versioncontrol.dll 9.0.30729.7019 765,952 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.workitemtracking.dll 9.0.30729.7019 286,720 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Microsoft.visualstudio.teamsystem.integration.dll 9.0.30729.7019 208,896 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tf.exe 9.0.30729.7019 236,072 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tfsadminutil.exe 9.0.30729.7019 68,152 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tfsprovider.dll 9.0.30729.7019 2,700,360 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshim.dll 9.0.30729.7019 199,760 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 81,984 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 82,520 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 83,008 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 83,544 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 85,056 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 86,080 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 86,592 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 87,104 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86
Tsofficeshimui.dll 9.0.30729.7019 87,128 21-Jan-13 12:38 x86 req
Vdt80.dll 9.0.30729.5814 4,191,808 18-Apr-2012 02:54 x86 imp imp dd
Vcproject.dll 9.0.30729.4041 1,927,016 10-Feb-2009 11:29 x86
imp 968338 972497 973124 954740 967485 958477 956397
teamfs 969868 967583 961771 959168 960965 958797 956861 imp by mfcatl imp by mfcatl imp by 2495003 mis VC 2008 SP1: Problems with STL/TR1 after installing VS2008 SP1 imp mfcatl 9.0.30729.1 mis Need Fix to Get Blend 3 working with TFS vs2008 with visual sourcesage 2005 ms virtualization 4.5
Mavvak2008.dll 73,568 12-Dec- 2008 03:20 x86 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, imp