Win10 TP build 10041 is still worse than Win8.1

The new build of Windows, Win10TP build 10041, came out yesterday. Windows Update notified me the newer version is available, so I did it soon. I had expected the new build during two months, but there are few changes. It’s still worse than Windows 8.1, I think.
Whats new
- Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10041 now available - Blogging Windows
- スタート画面の背景が半透明になった
- 仮想デスクトップ機能を改善
- 手書き入力を改善
- セットアップ画面・ロック画面を一新
- ごみ箱やドライブなどのアイコンを一新
Changing the wallpaper makes Windows unstable
Opening Desktop Wallpaper setting from Control Panel, the screen is flickering and Windows become unstable.
Explorer.exe and dwm.exe are hang up when changing the file on File Explorer
I sent a feedback with above comment, File Explorer is unstable. It’s often busy and stops the mouse cursor with beep sounds. (To fix it, use the keyboard and restart explorer.exe from Task Manager.)
Windows Feedbackにも上のような感じでコメントを入れておきましたが、エクスプローラーの挙動が不安定です。しばしば、ビープ音を鳴らしながらマウス操作が応答しなくなることもあります。(キー操作でタスクマネージャーからexplorer.exeを再起動すると解決)
Start Screen in Windows 10 is worse than Windows 8.1
In Windows 10, Desktop applications are listed in the left row on Start Screen. It cannot switch to the full-screen listing like Windows 8.1. It’s too bad.
そんなわけで、現時点ではWindows 8.1からアップグレードするほどの利点はないと思っています。